In the quest of looking for more My Little Kitchen Fairies figurines, my husband and I drove to another town, at least an hour away, to check out the town’s antique or thrift stores, if there were any. Needless to say, we did not find much luck, places were either closed down, closed for the day, and/or map was totally showing some other stores/businesses instead. It was disappointing to say the least. Am pretty much addicted to the fairies hahaha
So we decided to mend my broken heart (lol) by Googling if there was a pho restaurant or any Vietnamese restaurants that offer pho. We found Juice Five O.
A bit surprised as we walked into the place as it is not quite a restaurant per se. It’s situated inside a building where there are other businesses or offices inside. I don’t even know how to describe it. Next to it was even like a day care or little kids place of some sorts. So people who are not customers can walk and pass you by. A bit…uncomfy, to say the least lol I am so self conscious whenever I eat in public. Always prefer seating where I do not have to bump onto other’s eyes. So this place was super uncomfy 😛
Juice Five O stand is just that….a stand. The server had to go somewhere to get the soup.

I have yet to find a great pho in BC but in Vancouver….or once in Prince George. But PG is like at least 5 H drive, while Vancouver would take at least 11 H drive. Crazy.
Am so missing pho in Montreal and Ottawa. There’s no pho like home so far.
There were 2 great pho places in Grande Prairie, Alberta, close to 3 H drive. But seriously, what a journey whenever we want a nice bowl of pho hahahah All far places and yet am lazy to prepare myself 😛
To cut short. I do not think we will get pho at Juice Five O in the future, theirs was just okay.
Juice Five O
10401 10th St
Dawson Creek