Morning ๐
Only a couple of days left until back to school, which I am sooooooo not looking forward to lol
Now I cannot wait for March to come, for Spring break hahahha What a lazy mum here, hey ๐
Yesterday I prepared granola for breakfast which surprisingly my 5 yo was so crazy about it he ended up having 2 small bowls that morning. That did not stop there. After lunch he asked again, for another 2 small bowls. Made me happy big time, like mission accomplished ๐
So, naturally I will be sharing how I made the granola, right meow ๐
My 8 years old prefers with additional fresh fruits and drizzle of maple syrup.
This granola can be served as cereal, snack, and yogurt topping. You can turn them as bars as well, with a little adjustment to the way you prepare it ๐
The recipe makes about 5 cups!
This granola has all sorts of goodies, from grains, seeds, nuts, dried fruits, to tree-nut. I had cocoa powder in the mixture as well, to lure the kids, and it worked ๐
Here is the recipe, and it makes about 5 cups granola ๐

Dry Ingredients
– 2 1/2 c rolled oats
– 1/2 c millets
– 3/4 c hulled hemp seeds
– 1/4 c cashew, roughly chop
– 1/4 c unsweetened desiccated coconut
– 1/4 c cocoa powder
– 4 tbsp brown sugar
– 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder
– 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
– A pinch of Himalayan salt
Wet Ingredients
– 1/2 c maple syrup
– 3 tbsp coconut oil, melt
– 1 tsp pure vanilla essence
How To
– Mix dry, mix in wet, bake at preheated 300 F for 30 mins; at 10 mins mark, stir, rebake, repeat
Immediately mix in:
– 1/2 c raisins
– 1/4 c goji berries
– 1 orange, grate the skin

We had the granola with soy milk, but of course you can serve is as is, for snacking, or for yogurt topping!
Thanks for looking and I will see you guys tomorrow!
Homemade Cocoa Granola
Dry Ingredients
- 2 1/2 c rolled oats
- 1/2 c millets
- 3/4 c hulled hemp seeds
- 1/4 c cashew roughly chop
- 1/4 c unsweetened desiccated coconut
- 1/4 c cocoa powder
- 4 tbsp brown sugar
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder
- 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
- A pinch of Himalayan salt
Wet Ingredients
- 1/2 c maple syrup
- 3 tbsp coconut oil melt
- 1 tsp pure vanilla essence
- 1/2 c raisins
- 1/4 c goji berries
- 1 orange grate the skin
- Mix dry, mix in wet, bake at preheated 300 F for 30 mins; at 10 mins mark, stir, rebake, repeat
- Immediately mix in raisins, goji berries, grated orange skin

Bikin Sereal Sendiri Yuk
Pagi Teman!
Libur Natal telah berakhir, euy. Hari Senin dah balik sekolah, ga seru ah hahahha
2 minggu libur serasa kurang aja deh. Aku seneng banget kalau ga ada sekolah karena tau sendiri kan, di luar negeri tuh sering ada orang gila nyasar ke sekolah, ke mall, kemanapun, terus menyakiti (baca: nembak membabi-buta sana-sini) orang lain. Selalu deh hati ketar-ketir, takut kalau ada kejadi serupa di sekolah anakku lah, atau pas kami belanja kebutuhan dapur lah, tidak damai hati, euy.
Anyway-busway. Seperti biasa, tentunya hari ini mau berbagi resep hahaha Makan mulu, ga gendut, ga pulang wkwkwkwk
Aku bikin sereal buat anak-anak kemarin dan anakku yang bungsu, ya ampuuuuun, suka banget sampai dia makan bermangkuk-mangkuk, su-er deh!
Sereal berikut ini, lumayan sehat lah yah, ada padi-padian, ada kacang-kacangannya, juga ada buah-buahan. Sayangnya tidak semua bahan aku rasa mudah untuk didapat di Indonesia, kecuali di kota besar, dan atau beli online?
Bahan Kering
– 2 1/2 gelas havermut
– 1/2 gelas jawawut
– 3/4 gelas biji lenan (kadang ada yang bilang rami, tapi rami berbeda – biji lenan = hemp seeds)
– 1/4 gelas kacang mede
– 1/4 gelas kelapa parut kering
– 1/4 gelas cokelat bubuk
– 4 sdm gula merah/gula kelapa
– 1/4 sdt kayu manis bubuk
– 1/8 sdt pala bubuk
– sejumput garam
Bahan Basah
– 1/2 gelas sirup mapel
– 3 sdm minyak kelapa
– 1 sdt perasa vanila
Cara Membuat
– Campur semua, ratakan di loyang, panggang pada oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu 300 F, selama 30 menit. Setiap 10 menit, keluarkan, aduk rata, panggang kembali. Setelah 30 menit, keluarkan, langsung beri campuran
– 1/2 gelas sultanas
– 1/4 gelas goji berries
– 1 jeruk manis, parut kulitnya
Sereal ini bisa dimakan begitu saja, bisa disantap dengan susu, dan juga bisa untuk toping yogurt ๐ Oke deh segini dulu yak ๐
[…] recipe for the granola is posted a couple articles down, if you are interested […]