Hi friends!
Hope this finds you well 🤗
Here I am, back with Day 2 of my 30 Days of Indonesia series. If you missed Day 1, in case you are wondering, no, I am not in Indonesia atm, but my plan is to share 30 different Indonesian traditional sweets that are known as jajan pasar, 1 recipe per day.
Yesterday I shared steamed bread pudding from Borneo (one of the big islands in Indonesia), that is called Srikaya Roti Pisang. This morning I am sharing another steamed goodies, and this time it is from the island of Java. What are these following cake-bites called? Kue Talam.
This cake is almost like a custard-pudding-type, but it’s firmer and it’s totally delish.
So many varieties out there, but my vegan version is using pumpkin. So if it’s translated to Indonesian, it will be called Kue Talam Labu Kuning (labu kuning is pumpkin).

Come see how I made these super yummy cakes.
Bottom Layer
- 300 g frozen pumpkin, steam to soften 20 minutes, then squish out water. You should get 150 g in the end
- 80 ml coconut water and 2 heaping tbsp coconut cream (or 87 ml thick coconut mik)
- 5 heaping tbsp tapioca flour/starch (I had minute tapioca powder that I wanted to use up, so I ground it into flour 😉)
- 4 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- a pinch of salt
Top Layer
- 80 ml coconut water and 4 tbsp coconut cream (or 100 m thick coconut milk)
- 3 tbsp rice flour
- 2 tbsp tapioca starch
- 1/2 tbsp sugar
- a pinch of salt

How To
- Preheat a steamer, wrap lid with clean kitchen towel
- Blender pumpkin into puree and mix all ingredients of bottom layer, divide into heatproof small cups that’s already been greased with a little cooking oil, steam for 5 minutes
- Meanwhile mix ingredients for top layer and pour on cups, steam for 20-25 minutes, covered
- Take out cakes from the steamer, let cool at room temperature to set and enjoy 😉
They are good served chilled as well, by the way!
And oh, my 4 yo was helping me in making these cakes. It was so easy and fairly quick to prepare, that we did it in the afternoon just before heading to school to pick up his older brother 😊
See you tomorrow for Day 3 😉
Talam Labu Kuning
- 300 g frozen pumpkin steam to soften 20 minutes, then squish out water. You should get 150 g in the end
- 80 ml coconut water and 2 heaping tbsp coconut cream or 87 ml thick coconut mik
- 5 heaping tbsp tapioca flour/starch I had minute tapioca powder that I wanted to use up, so I ground it into flour 😉
- 4 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- a pinch of salt
Top Layer
- 80 ml coconut water and 4 tbsp coconut cream or 100 m thick coconut milk
- 3 tbsp rice flour
- 2 tbsp tapioca starch
- 1/2 tbsp sugar
- a pinch of salt
- Preheat a steamer, wrap lid with clean kitchen towel
- Blender pumpkin into puree and mix all ingredients of bottom layer, divide into heatproof small cups that’s already been greased with a little cooking oil, steam for 5 minutes
- Meanwhile mix ingredients for top layer and pour on cups, steam for 20-25 minutes, covered
- Take out cakes from the steamer, let cool at room temperature to set and enjoy 😉

Jumpa lagi dengan jajan pasar yang kusantap untuk berbuka puasa semalam, hari ke-2 berpuasa, sebagai bagian dari #promo-indonesia caraku 😉
Kalau biasanya kalian di Indonesia memulai puasa duluan karena waktu Indonesia adalah 12 jam lebih maju dari Kanada, tahun ini Kanada puasa duluan, kami tanggal 16, sedangkan Indonesia baru mulai tanggal 17. Jadi pagi ini adalah hari ke 3 berpuasa disini 😁
Semalam aku berbuka dengan Kue Talam.
Ada yang bilang kue ini aslinya dari Jakarta, ada pula yang dari Jepara. Menurut kamu, darimanakah kue talam berasal?
Kue Talam buatanku kali ini menggunakan labu kuning, uenak tenan. Anakku yg sulung sukaaaaa banget.
Yuk ditengok resepnya kalau mau bikin juga 😊
lapisan bawah
- 300 g labu kuning potong, kukus, peras airnya, dan akan menjadi 150 g beratnya
- 80 ml air kelapa dicampur dengan 2 sdm penuh krim kelapa (atau 87 ml santan kental)
- 5 sdm tepung tapioca
- 4 sdm gula pasir
- sejumput garam
- 1 sdt esens vanilla
lapisan atas
- 80 ml air kelapa dicampur dengan 3 sdm penuh krim kelapa (atau 100 ml santan)
- 1/2 sdm gula pasir
- 3 sdm tepung beras
- 2 sdm tepung tapioka
- sejumput garam
cara membuat
- panaskan kukusan dan lapisi tutup panci dengan serbet bersih
- oles sedikit minyak pada cetakan
- blender seluruh bahan lapisan bawah, tuang pada cetakan, kukus 5 menit
- campur lapisan atas, tuang pada laoisan bawah dan kukus 20-25 menit
- keluarkan dari kukusan, biarkan dingin pada suhu ruangan, agar memadat, dan siap disantap
Sampai besok lagi yah 😉
Talam Labu Kuning
Servings: 0Ingredients
- 300 g labu kuning potong kukus, peras airnya, dan akan menjadi 150 g beratnya
- 80 ml air kelapa dicampur dengan 2 sdm penuh krim kelapa atau 87 ml santan kental
- 5 sdm tepung tapioca
- 4 sdm gula pasir
- sejumput garam
- 1 sdt esens vanilla
Lapisan Atas
- 80 ml air kelapa dicampur dengan 3 sdm penuh krim kelapa atau 100 ml santan
- 1/2 sdm gula pasir
- 3 sdm tepung beras
- 2 sdm tepung tapioka
- sejumput garam
panaskan kukusan dan lapisi tutup panci dengan serbet bersih oles sedikit minyak pada cetakan blender seluruh bahan lapisan bawah, tuang pada cetakan, kukus 5 menit campur lapisan atas, tuang pada laoisan bawah dan kukus 20-25 menit keluarkan dari kukusan, biarkan dingin pada suhu ruangan, agar memadat, dan siap disantap