I love me some rugelach cookies!
I know normally they are crescent-shaped but I wanted to do them differently this time. I even added some Indonesian touch of chocolate rice and condensed milk, plus melted chocolate. Yum!!! 😀
There is Polish style and Hungarian style of Rugulach (Rugelach, Rugalach, Rogelach, Rugalah) which I believe all are eaten for Hanukkah, and is originated in Israel. Many kinds of fillings that people use from jam and preserves, cinnamon mixture with sugar and kinds of nuts such as walnut and pecans, raisins and many more. We shaped our Rugulach differ here as people shape them in many ways but mostly in crescent shape ^_^

16 heaping tbsp margarine/butter
1/2 tbsp of milk
chestnut puree, softened
chocolate chip
1 pack of cream cheese of 250 grams
2 tsp sugar
2 cups all purpose flour
1 egg white
sweetened condensed milk
chocolate rice (Indonesian brand preferable, such as Meises by Ceres or Ritz)
- Cream butter, cream cheese, and sugar until soft. Add in the flour and mix to make a soft dough.

- Divide dough into 4 equal balls, flatten each one and wrap in wax paper. Refrigerate for half hour.
- Preheat oven to 375 F
- Take dough out from the fridge and roll thinly on a lightly floured surface. Slice the dough with a sharp knife or pizza cutter into quarters and then each quarter into 4 equal sections, to form 16 triangles. Place filling then starting from the base of each triangle, roll up to form spirals. You can curve them into crescents if you like.

Take another dough, roll thinly again, shape with cookie cutter (I used heart shape and star shape). Shape as well the filling if you like to make it even with the cookie dough and cuter! (see picture. Do the same for the other balls of dough, shape either crescents, hearts, stars, any shape you wish 🙂

Beat the egg white mix with milk, and brush each ready to bake cookies. Bake cookies until just golden.
While waiting cookie to cool down, melt chocolate chip. Cover or decorate cookies with melted chocolate, sweetened condensed milk, sprinkle with chocolate rice, or anything you desire ^_^

Various-shaped Rugelach
- 16 heaping tbsp margarine/butter
- 1/2 tbsp of milk
- chestnut puree softened
- chocolate chip
- 1 pack of cream cheese of 250 grams
- 2 tsp sugar
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- 1 egg white
- sweetened condensed milk
- chocolate rice Indonesian brand preferable, such as Meises by Ceres or Ritz
- Cream butter, cream cheese, and sugar until soft. Add in the flour and mix to make a soft dough.
- Divide dough into 4 equal balls, flatten each one and wrap in wax paper. Refrigerate for half hour.
- Preheat oven to 375 F
- Take dough out from the fridge and roll thinly on a lightly floured surface. Slice the dough with a sharp knife or pizza cutter into quarters and then each quarter into 4 equal sections, to form 16 triangles. Place filling then starting from the base of each triangle, roll up to form spirals. You can curve them into crescents if you like.
- Take another dough, roll thinly again, shape with cookie cutter (I used heart shape and star shape). Shape as well the filling if you like to make it even with the cookie dough and cuter! (see picture. Do the same for the other balls of dough, shape either crescents, hearts, stars, any shape you wish 🙂
- Beat the egg white mix with milk, and brush each ready to bake cookies. Bake cookies until just golden.
- While waiting cookie to cool down, melt chocolate chip. Cover or decorate cookies with melted chocolate, sweetened condensed milk, sprinkle with chocolate rice, or anything you desire ^_^

Bahasa Indonesia
Kue kering khas bangsa Yahudi ini enaaaak banget. Biasanya sih bentuknya seperti bulan sabit atau croissant, tapi kali ini saya bikin agak mbalelo, sesuka hati 😀
Boleh dibentuk terserah Anda sih sebenarnya dan biasanya tidak memakai lapisan atas/topping, ini malah saya kasih SKM dan coklat meises 😀
Isiannya biasanya sultanas, selai, cokelat, marzipan, kacang walnut dan sebagainya. Kali ini saya isi pakai kacang kastanye, teksturnya seperti kacang merah buat isi bakpao yah
Selamat mencoba!
16 sdm margarine
1/2 sdm susu cair
selai kacang kastanye siap pakai
coklat chip
1 bungkus krim keju (250 g)
2 sdt gula pasir
2 gelas terigu
1 putih telur
SKM secukupnya
coklat meises secukupnya
Cara Membuat
- Kocok margarine, keju krim, serta gula, masukkan terigu, campur hingga membentuk adonan lembut
- Bungkus adonan kue, dinginkan di kulkas selama 1 jam
- Panaskan oven 375 F
- Gilas adonan, bentuk sesuai selera, beri isian, taruh pada loyang kue

- Sapu putih telur pada kue kering, panggang hingga kecoklatan
- Beri topping SKM, meises jika mau