Just a quick blog before I go to bed. It’s been a long exhausting day somehow and I didn’t have my ritual weekend nap yet ? Dont fret, TKF, tomorrow is still weekend, you WILL have your nap ????
What’s everyone doing ATM? I’m indulging myself on Scandal. Turns out it’s good, hey. I wasn’t interested in the beginning since Kerry Washington plays the main character. I liked her but then I kinda don’t since I learned Chris Rock cheated on his wife with Kerry Washington, daaaayuuuum. Celebrity gossip time here, friends ?
Shoot, I said this was gonna be quick and here I am wanting to type longer ?
What I wanted to share was my dinner ?
I felt like Chinese food, so we decided to have chop suey. Nothing fancy, just bean sprouts mainly, but my gosh it was very refreshing, most especially since I added cilantro in the stir-fry.

- 2 bags of bean sprouts
- 2 baby bokchoy, sliced
- 1 bunch of cilantro, chopped (to be add lastly)
- 1/4 c chopped onion
- 4 garlic, thinly sliced
- 1-2 tbsp olive oil
- Vegeta powder
- sesame oil, to taste
How To
- Wash veggies

Heat oil, saute onion and garlic til soften

Add in some of the veggies, season with Vegeta and sesame oil. Top with some more veggies, season again, then top with the rest, and don’t forget to season again

- Stir to mix
- Cook only until veggies a little soften (not too soft, perfect when sprouts still crunchy)
- Just before turning off the heat, stir in chopped cilantro

Serve immediately

Hai teman,
Masak apa hari ini? Tadi saya cuman bikin oseng2 kecambah, mudah dan cepat buatnya. Biar disantap begitu saja, nikmaaaat sekali.
Bagi saya, oseng2 sayuran tuh paling enak kalau sayurannya waktu di sajikan masih kres-kres, kriuk-kriuk gitu, renyah dikunyah. Kalau kalian bagaimana?

Gini nih cara saya masaknya kalau tertarik ?
2 bungkus kecambah
2 batang sawi kecil, potong2
1/4 gelas daun ketumbar cincang
2 sdm minyak zaitun
4 bawang putih, iris tipis
1/4 gelas bawang bonbang cincang
Royco secukupnya
minyak wijen secukupnya

Cara Memasak
Panaskan minyak zaitun, goreng bawang2an hingga layu
Masukkan sayuran yang sudah dicuci (kecuali daun ketumbar), beri Royco dan minyak wijen secukupnya
Masak hanya sampai sayuran sedikit layu, jadi masih krenyes
Sebelum diangkat, masukkan daun ketumbar
Cilantro Chop Suey
- 2 bags of bean sprouts
- 2 baby bokchoy sliced
- 1 bunch of cilantro chopped (to be add lastly)
- 1/4 c chopped onion
- 4 garlic thinly sliced
- 1-2 tbsp olive oil
- Vegeta powder
- sesame oil to taste
- Wash veggies
- Heat oil, saute onion and garlic til soften
- Add in some of the veggies, season with Vegeta and sesame oil. Top with some more veggies, season again, then top with the rest, and don’t forget to season again
- Stir to mix
- Cook only until veggies a little soften (not too soft, perfect when sprouts still crunchy)
- Just before turning off the heat, stir in chopped cilantro
- Serve immediately