Nyergesi Mama sent us csirkeporkolt with tokleves (tokfozelek) for dinner. My gosh, I just LOVE hers, soooo delicious.
I do not know what exactly this whitish yellowish gourd called in English, but in Hungarian it is known as tok (tök), and she grows them in her backyard <3 <3 <3

1 gourd, grate
cooking oil
1 onion, thinly slice
1 handful fresh dill, chopped
a little vinegar
1 tbsp flour mixed with 225 g sour cream
Vegeta powder to taste
water as needed
Heat oil, saute onion until fragrant, add in grated gourd and chopped dill, mix well
Season with Vegeta, stir in vinegar, just to taste
Pour in a little water, enough to cover, and cook until softened
Once softened, pour in sour cream mixture, and cook for another 5-8 mins
Serve immediately
- 1 gourd grate
- cooking oil
- 1 onion thinly slice
- 1 handful fresh dill chopped
- a little vinegar
- 1 tbsp flour mixed with 225 g sour cream
- Vegeta powder to taste
- water as needed
- Heat oil, saute onion until fragrant, add in grated gourd and chopped dill, mix well
- Season with Vegeta, stir in vinegar, just to taste
- Pour in a little water, enough to cover, and cook until softened
- Once softened, pour in sour cream mixture, and cook for another 5-8 mins
- Serve immediately

Bahasa Indonesia – Sayur Labu Kental Khas Hongaria
Labu disini ada yang kuning maupun putih. Tök sendiri artinya labu kuning, namun labunya berbeda dengan labu kuning yang di Indonesia. Kalau di LN bisa digantikan dengan squash. Baik labu kuning ataupun labu putih, bahkan labu siam, bisa dipakai, meski rasa akan agak berbeda, tetep enak kok 🙂
Dibawah ini, tokfozelek (tokleves) disajikan dengan csirke porkolt, ayam masak paprika. Kadang mereka sajikan dengan ditemani fasirt, semacam perkedel.

1 buah labu, parut
sedikit minyak untuk menumis
1 bawang bombay ukuran sedang-besar, iris tipis
1 lepek (piring kecil yang biasa buat tatakan gelas teh/kopi) daun dill, potong-potong
sedikit cuka makan
1 sdm tepung di campur dengan 1/2 botol sour cream (1 botol plastik ukurannya 450 g, jadi 1/2 nya)
garam ataupun Royco secukupnya
air secukupnya
Cara Membuat
panaskan minyak, tumis bawang bombay hingga harum, masukkan labu serta daun dill, aduk rata
beri garam/royco, serta cuka makan, secukupnya, aduk rata
beri air hingga menutupi, aduk dan masak hingga lunak
jika sudah lunak, tuang campuran sour cream, aduk, dan masak sebentar
angkat, sajikan segera