This is one of my favorite Hungarian dish. In honesty, I love Hungarian dishes especially the sweets haha I think one of the reasons my husband loves me (lol) is that I do not have any complaints to anything Hungarian 😛 I just love food too much 😛 Well except juhturo, which is sheep milk based cottage cheese. I cannot really stomach it 😛 Tastes too weird to my liking whenever it comes to milk from goat/sheep hahaha
In Hungary, this dish is known as Porkolt Pulyka (pulyka porkolt) and it is super simple to make yet delicious. The Hungarians would serve it with nokedli (egg based homemade dumpling) or egg based pasta.
This time I served ours with macaroni 😛 Lazy cook here ladies and gentlemen 😛

1/2 of 1 big red onion, chopped finely
400 g of turkey breast, no skin, no bones, cubed
water as needed
1 tbsp paprika powder
2 tbsp margarine (you can use lard, shortening, butter, oil)
salt to taste
nokedli, pasta, or rice
sour cream as needed, for topping

Heat margarine, saute onion until soften, add in paprika powder, stir fast
Add in turkey breast, stir to coat, then pour 1/4 cup water and sprinkle salt, stir
Cover, simmer in low-medium heat for an hour or so. Each time checking, add a little water and stir.
Top with a dollop of sour cream and serve with nokedli (traditional pasta) or bread or macaroni
Pulyka Porkolt
- 1/2 of 1 big red onion chopped finely
- 400 g of turkey breast no skin, no bones, cubed
- water as needed
- 1 tbsp paprika powder
- 2 tbsp margarine you can use lard, shortening, butter, oil
- salt to taste
- nokedli pasta, or rice
- sour cream as needed for topping
- Heat margarine, saute onion until soften, add in paprika powder, stir fast
- Add in turkey breast, stir to coat, then pour 1/4 cup water and sprinkle salt, stir
- Cover, simmer in low-medium heat for an hour or so. Each time checking, add a little water and stir.
- Top with a dollop of sour cream and serve with nokedli (traditional pasta) or bread or macaroni

Egy megtisztitott pulykát vagdaljunk fel apró darabokra. Egy lábasban tegyünk egy tojásnyi zsirt forrni; ha a zsir forró lesz, tegyünk bele egy fej apróra vágott vereshagymát és egy kanál paprikát. A pulyka hust tegyük a paprikás zsirba, sózzuk meg, fedjük be és többször megkavarva pároljuk egy – vagy ha a pulyka vén – két óra hosszáig, amig megpirul. Közbe-közbe kevés vizet tegyünk bele; nehogy az elszáradás miatt piruljon meg a hus. Tálaljuk hosszu tálba és köritsük rizskásával, melyet vegyitsünk a pulykának össze vagdalt májával és zuzájával.