These Dutch-influenced Kue Keju (cheese cookies) are one of my favorite. Nastar (pineapple tarts cookies) and Kastengel are a must at our home whenever the holidays are here.
This following recipe is my oldest sister’s recipe My mom and my oldest sisters are awesome in baking cookies, make me miss home whenever Idul Fitri is here. I miss their cookies 😀
Unfortunately my father typed the recipe among other cookie recipes and copy pasted each pictures in small size. Most likely so that the email would send. He used his workplace email, limited size for sending and receiving attachment and whatnot hahahha

100 gr margarine
50 gr Wijsman butter (creamy and sooo good – European style whipped butter)
200 gr flour
2 yolks
1 yolk, for egg wash
75 gr edam cheese, grate
50 gr cheddar cheese, grate
2 tbsp margarine for greasing cookie sheet
2 tbsp flour for sprinkling cookie sheet
a. Preheat oven 160 C. Brush cookie sheet with margarine, sprinkle with flour. Beat margarine until creamy, beat in yolks, continue beating until fluffy.
b. Add in grated edam and flour, stir to combine.
c. Roll dough into 1/2 cm thickness, brush surface with yolk
d. Sprinkle grated cheddar all over and slice dough into 1×4 cm sticks
e. Move cookies onto cookie sheet and bake for 30 mins. Take out sheet from oven, let cook slightly before moving cookies to cooling rack.
- 100 gr margarine
- 50 gr Wijsman butter creamy and sooo good – European style whipped butter
- 200 gr flour
- 2 yolks
- 1 yolk for egg wash
- 75 gr edam cheese grate
- 50 gr cheddar cheese grate
- 2 tbsp margarine for greasing cookie sheet
- 2 tbsp flour for sprinkling cookie sheet
- Preheat oven 160 C. Brush cookie sheet with margarine, sprinkle with flour. Beat margarine until creamy, beat in yolks, continue beating until fluffy.
- Add in grated edam and flour, stir to combine.
- Roll dough into 1/2 cm thickness, brush surface with yolk
- Sprinkle grated cheddar all over and slice dough into 1×4 cm sticks
- Move cookies onto cookie sheet and bake for 30 mins. Take out sheet from oven, let cook slightly before moving cookies to cooling rack.

Ayo, siapa yang suka kastengel, tunjuk jari 😀
100 gr margarin
50 gr butter cream
200 gr tepung terigu
2 kuning telur
1 kuning telur, kocok untuk mengoles
75 gr keju edam, cheddar, parut
50 gr keju parut
2 sdm margarin untuk Olesan
2 sdm tepung terigu untuk Olesan
Cara membuat:
a. Panaskan oven pada suhu 160º C. Olesi loyang ukuran 26 x 26 x 5 cm dengan margarin, taburi tepung, kocok margarin hingga lembut, masukkan kuning telur. Kocok terus hingga mengembang.
b. Masukkan keju parut & tepung terigu hingga rata
c. Ambil selembar plastik. Gilas adonan diatasnya hingga setebal ½ cm. Olesi seluruh permukannya dgn kuning telur
d. Taburi lembaran adonan dgn keju parut, lalu potong 1 x 4 cm
e. Pindahkan potongan ke atas loyang. Lalu panggang dlm oven selama 30 menit, hingga matang. Keluarkan loyang dr oven. Tunggu hinnga agak dingin, lepaskan kue dr loyang