Happy Monday!
Hope yours is off to a good start. Cloudy here with a little sunshine, but my morning is so far so good, and crossing fingers stays that way 😊
I have been back on my treadmill since yesterday. Ever since rains now and then, guess it’s time to just utilize it 😅 My husband still prefers the walking trail obviously, with fresh air and whatnot, but darn it, it’s just too wet and chilly to walk outside. I’m a lazy person 😅 I told him to go by himself, I’d rather just go to my FREEZING basement and use the treadmill instead walking in the cold outside 🤣🤣🤣🤣
For today’s recipe, it is Indonesian dish. Some parts of Indonesia refer it as Kering Tempe, while other parts as Kerik Tempe. Tempe is fermented soy beans, and yes the correct spelling is Tempe, not Tempeh 😊

4-5 bags of Tempe @150 g each
1 large onion
7 garlic
1/4 c water
2 tbsp vegetable oil
3 kafir lime leaves
3 salam leaves (Indonesian bay leaf)
1 thumb tamarind, soak in 1/4 c hot boiling water
7 bird eye chilies, seeded
1 tbsp hard shrimp paste (terasi)
Chicken bouillon powder to taste
Brown sugar to taste
1 tsp Indonesian sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)
1-2 handful roasted peanuts (or fried peanuts)
1/2 tsp galangal powder
1/4 c fried shallots
Slice Tempe into finger stick, fry til golden brown
In a food processor, mix onion, garlic water and oil, until they become a fine paste
Remove stems and seeds from chilies
Rub soaked tamarind between fingers, strain to get the juice only
Pour onion paste into a pot, followed with seeded chilies, hard shrimp paste, kafir and salam leaves, and tamarind juice. Saute to boil
Season with bouillon, galangal, brown sugar and sweet soy sauce, then stir in fried shallots
Lastly, stir in fried Tempe and roasted peanuts, coat well
Cook until liquid soaked up
Serve with rice 😍
Kering Tempe
- 4-5 bags of Tempe @150 g each
- 1 large onion
- 7 garlic
- 1/4 c water
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 3 kafir lime leaves
- 3 salam leaves Indonesian bay leaf
- 1 thumb tamarind soak in 1/4 c hot boiling water
- 7 bird eye chilies seeded
- 1 tbsp hard shrimp paste terasi
- Chicken bouillon powder to taste
- Brown sugar to taste
- 1 tsp Indonesian sweet soy sauce kecap manis
- 1-2 handful roasted peanuts or fried peanuts
- 1/2 tsp galangal powder
- 1/4 c fried shallots
- Slice Tempe into finger stick, fry til golden brown
- In a food processor, mix onion, garlic water and oil, until they become a fine paste
- Remove stems and seeds from chilies
- Rub soaked tamarind between fingers, strain to get the juice only
- Pour onion paste into a pot, followed with seeded chilies, hard shrimp paste, kafir and salam leaves, and tamarind juice. Saute to boil
- Season with bouillon, galangal, brown sugar and sweet soy sauce, then stir in fried shallots
- Lastly, stir in fried Tempe and roasted peanuts, coat well
- Cook until liquid soaked up
- Serve with rice