Hi Lovelies!
This morning was SUPER foggy. It was a total zero visibility. Wasn’t a good feeling while driving. Yesterday was (close to) zero visibility as well, but it was Smoggy instead Foggy. Yep, Canada is still dealing with wildfires, sadly. The other day, British Columbia, the province where I live in, was on 1st place of most smoggy and worst air quality, throughout Canada, due to the wildfires smokes. On the same day, Canada was placed 5th, throughout the world, as the most polluted air quality 😬😬😬😬
Temperature has been dropping to 11 C for the last 3 mornings. It’s been cold. Summer? Where? Not here, that’s for sure 😬 I do hope the cooler temp, the fog, the super tiny rain yesterday, somehow is helping to better the air quality, and to put a stop to the wildfires.
Today’s share, maybe sounds odd. I made dandelion ice tea. Yes, the yellow weeds that we don’t really want on our lawn. I gotta say, I have been in love ever since. Tastes earthy, like grass, but so refreshing! I just love it 😍

4 c of dandelion flowers
Enough water for rinsing
1 c hot boiling water
Honey (or sweetener of your choice), to taste
Ice cubes
Flowers! You need just the flowers, no stem, no leaves. You can remove the green part right below the flowers, the one that holding up the petals. Rinse them with enough cold water, drain them.
Place washed flowers into a cup or a jar or a bowl, pour hot boiling water and let steep for at least 8 minutes.
Strain and cool to room temperature, or you can serve warm, but as for me, as I turn the tea into ice tea, I added ice cubes.
Dandelion Flower Ice Tea
- 4 c of dandelion flowers
- Enough water for rinsing
- 1 c hot boiling water
- Honey or sweetener of your choice, to taste
- Ice cubes
- Flowers! You need just the flowers, no stem, no leaves. You can remove the green part right below the flowers, the one that holding up the petals. Rinse them with enough cold water, drain them.
- Place washed flowers into a cup or a jar or a bowl, pour hot boiling water and let steep for at least 8 minutes.
- Strain and cool to room temperature, or you can serve warm, but as for me, as I turn the tea into ice tea, I added ice cubes.