I have a beef soup recipe to share today. I learned to make this soup for the first from my SO to be honest. He is the better cook in the house đ
It is a very known and liked soup in some European countries, however, when the original authentic dish is actually soup, the other countries would prepare them as stew, but would call the dish the same name, beef soup (gulyasleves = leves is soup), so they are pretty much misleading in a way or two, including Wikipedia haha I do have to mention that Wikipedia does say it is stew OR soup. But seriously, the authentic dish is in the form of soup.

Most likely why it is referred and prepared as stew in other countries, some people would make their soup so rich, so meaty, they cook the soup for for longer time that the meat would just fall apart, turning the soup to thicker broth, thus more like a stew.
Anyways, let’s see the recipe đ
I cooked my beef soup in Instant Pot, you can use stove top of course đ
- 1.5 kg beef cubed
- 1/2 of a large onion diced or thinly sliced
- 1-2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp fennel seeds or caraway seeds, if not cumin seeds (add more than 1 tsp also delish!)
- 2Â bay leaves
- 1Â bunch flat leaf parsley
- Carrots and potatoes cubed, as much as you want
- 2Â beef bouillon
- 1/2 tbsp smoked paprika powder dissolved in enough water
- 1/2 tbsp Vegeta powder
- Enough water

- Saute onion until soften
- Stir in and brown meat
- Add in the rest of the ingredients
- Choose the soup button on your Instant Pot, add 10 more minutes to the timer stated, and you are good to go đ

Everyone should own at least one Instant Pot, my suggestion, because this baby can do everything, even to make yogurt! Which I will be sharing some other time đ
- Instant Pot
- 1.5 kg beef cubed
- 1/2 of a large onion diced or thinly sliced
- 1-2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp caraway/fennel/cumin or a little more
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 bunch flat leaf parsley
- Carrots and potatoes cubed, as much as you want
- 2 beef bouillon
- 1/2 tbsp smoked paprika powder dissolved in enough water
- 1/2 tbsp Vegeta powder
- Enough water
- Saute onion until soften
- Stir in and brown meat
- Add in the rest of the ingredients
- Choose the soup button on your Instant Pot, add 10 more minutes to the timer stated, and you are good to go đ