Happy Saturday Friends,
I had this ulog/blog for #marketfriday and I napped too much yesterday that in the end I did not have the chance and the will to post it, damn. Now it’s Saturday and I have a cooking video to post instead.
I baked pull-apart bread filled with dark chocolate spread. Sooooo good. I mentioned the other day that I grabbed a jar of dark chocolate spread that I was dying to lic…I mean try, and planned to use it for brioche and here it is ?
Another favorite from my household, is this sweet, fluffy, and moist brioche.

With the basic recipe, you can use it for cinnamon rolls, buns, dinner rolls (with a little adjustment of sugar measurement), and other sweet breads.
This following brioche is with dark chocolate spread, but you are more than welcome to use regular chocolate spread or Nutella-like spread.
If you are a follower, you’d know this is my go to bread recipe (even before I was vegan), so it’s been tried and tested many times and always turn lovely – and since I love playing with my food so much, I (tried to) shaped the brioche into a flower ???? ?
For the complete steps of how to, you gotta watch the video, of course!?
- 1 tbsp flax meal
- 2 tbsp water
- 255 ml nut milk lukewarm
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp active dry yeast
- 500 g flour
- 60 g icing sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 160 g vegan margarine, melted
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- DF dark chocolate spread
- DF dark chocolate sprinkles
- sesame seeds
- enough nut milk plus coconut palm sugar

How To
- Soak flax meal in water, let stand until slimey texture
- Mix sugar and yeast into warm milk, let stand to bloom
- Mix the rest of the dry ingredients in a bowl
- Pour in wet ingredients, knead
- Let dough doubled in size for an H
- After shaping into flower, cover and let rest for 10 mins
- Bake at preheated 350 F for 15 mins in convection oven
Dark Chocolate Brioche Flower
- 1 tbsp flax meal
- 2 tbsp water
- 255 ml nut milk lukewarm
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp active dry yeast
- 500 g flour
- 60 g icing sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 160 g vegan margarine melted
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- DF dark chocolate spread
- DF dark chocolate sprinkles
- sesame seeds
- enough nut milk plus coconut palm sugar
- Soak flax meal in water, let stand until slimey texture
- Mix sugar and yeast into warm milk, let stand to bloom
- Mix the rest of the dry ingredients in a bowl
- Pour in wet ingredients, knead
- Let dough doubled in size for an H
- After shaping into flower, cover and let rest for 10 mins
- Bake at preheated 350 F for 15 mins in convection oven

Pagi teman!
Resep hari ini adalah cara membuat roti sobek caraku
Resep ini dah sering ku pakai 4 tahun belakangan ini, setiap aku buat roti. Bisa dibuat roti sobek, roti kukus, roti goreng maupun roti isi lainnya.
Cocok buat teman yang tidak mengkonsumsi produk hewani.
Oia, teman, kalian punya YouTube ga? Kalau ada, subscribe ke aku dong: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe_lm92vtuHZBR6FmpmeNoQ/videos :D:D:D
Rencananya ingin aku masukkan video masak2ku ke YouTube juga, tapi ternyata untuk akun baru, agar terhindar dari spam, YouTube mengharuskan akun baru untuk memiliki 1000 subscribers sebelum di approve. Haiyaaah payah ah. Mngkin karena itu banyak yang pindah dari YouTube ke Steemit yak ? Anywas busway, kalau kalian ada YouTube, bantuin subscribe yak. Ntar kalau dah 1000 dan di approve, kalian mau unscribe ga apa2, hanya butuh untuk di approve nah ?
Nih resep roti sobeknya. Untuk langkah lebih lengkap, adanya lihat di video yak ?

- 1 sdm biji rami tumbuk
- 2 sdm air
- 255 ml susu cair (kacang2an) hangat
- 2 sdm gula pasir
- 1 sdm ragi
- 500 g terigu
- 60 g gula bubuk
- sejumput garam
- 160 g margarin, lelehkan
- 1 sdt esens vanila
- selai cokelat, secukupnya
- taburan cokelat, misalnya Ceres, secukupnya
- wijen, secukupnya
- sedikit susu cair di sedikit campur gula merah/gula palem
- Diamkan adonan sejam, hingga mengembang
- Tutup roti sobek, diamkan 10 menit
- Panggang pada oven 350 F yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu
Dark Chocolate Brioche
- 1 tbsp flax meal
- 2 tbsp water
- 255 ml nut milk lukewarm
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp active dry yeast
- 500 g flour
- 60 g icing sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 160 g vegan margarine melted
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- DF dark chocolate spread
- DF dark chocolate sprinkles
- sesame seeds
- enough nut milk plus coconut palm sugar
- Soak flax meal in water, let stand until slimey texture
- Mix sugar and yeast into warm milk, let stand to bloom
- Mix the rest of the dry ingredients in a bowl
- Pour in wet ingredients, knead
- Let dough rest, covered with cling wrap, for an H, until doubled in size
- Once dough is rested, roll flat into rectangular
- Spread with enough dark chocolate spread, then roll
- Slice into portions and place on a round baking pan
- In a small bowl, mix a little coconut palm sugar with DF milk, then brush brioche with this solution
- To make it prettier, I sprinkled the brioche with sesame seeds all over, while for the middle part, with dark chocolate sprinkles – more of less trying to create a flower-like brioche
- Bake at preheated 350 F for 15 mins in convection oven