I baked rhubarb and walnut scones and braved myself making video of myself (well more to my hands) at last, messing around, playing with flour and whatnot.
My husband and my 8 yo keep encouraging me to go back making videos. I used to do this (for YouTube) before living meatless, eggless, dairy free, and no honey a.k.a vegan. I have been wanting to do this for dTube, but I was never in luck! Tried twice before, it was not easy to upload to dTube, and later it totally did not want to load for me much, until 2 days ago!
I was curating around, so many dTube posts I found. Some played nicely, and a couple still did not want to load, but the ones that did, were like more than 5 of them. So I thought to myself, hey, maybe now dTube likes me
So there I was, baking scones while recording it. Let’s see if this is going to upload nicely
For these awesome scones, you can serve them as is, with DF butter/margarine, jam, DF cream, whatever you like. They are even still awesome the next day!

- 262 g frozen sliced rhubarb, thawed, drained
- 1/2 c roughly chopped walnut
- 2 1/2 c flour
- 1/2 c sugar
- 1 tbsp BP
- a generous pinch of salt
- 5 tbsp vegan margarine
- 3/4 c nut milk
- 1 tsp vinegar
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 1/2 c icing sugar
- enough lemon juice
- Mix dry, mix in rhubarb and walnut, then on a separate bowl, mix wet
- Mix both and knead
- Shape into round and slice into wedges
- Preheat convection oven to 425 F and bake scones for 16 minutes
- Mix icing sugar and lemon, then glaze scones

Rhubarb Walnut Scones
- 262 g frozen sliced rhubarb thawed, drained
- 1/2 c roughly chopped walnut
- 2 1/2 c flour
- 1/2 c sugar
- 1 tbsp BP
- a generous pinch of salt
- 5 tbsp vegan margarine
- 3/4 c nut milk
- 1 tsp vinegar
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 1/2 c icing sugar
- enough lemon juice
- Mix dry, mix in rhubarb and walnut, then on a separate bowl, mix wet
- Mix both and knead
- Shape into round and slice into wedges
- Preheat convection oven to 425 F and bake scones for 16 minutes
- Mix icing sugar and lemon, then glaze scones

Pagi teman!
Hari ini ceraaaaah banget. Bakalan puanas deh. Ga keliatan awan dari tadi pagi
Hari ini aku mau berbagi video resep. Biasanya aku unggah di YouTube karena dTube sering ga mau buka disini, tapi semoga kali ini bisa deh
Di video ini aku buat roti pakai rhubarb, sejenis kelembak di Indonesia, dan juga kacang walnut (boleh diganti almond, kenari, atau ga pakai)
Nih resepnya kalau mau coba juga
262 g rhubarb potongan yang beku, diamkan disuhu ruangan hingga melunak, tiriskan
1/2 gelas kacang walnut yang sudah dicacah kasar
2 1/2 gelas terigu
1/2 gelas gula pasir
1 sdm BP (baking powder – bakpulver)
sejumput garam
5 sdm mentega/magarin
3/4 gelas susu cair
1 sdt cuka makan
1 sdt esens vanila
1/2 gelas gula bubuk
air jeruk lemon secukupnya
Panggang pada oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu 425 F, selama 16 menit
Jadi deh!
Yah, tentunya, untuk tau lebih lengkap cara membuatnya, teman harus nonton videonya dong hahahaha
Selamat menikmati! Bisa di sajikan begitu saja, atau di oles selai, mentega, ataupun krim kesukaan teman
Sampai jumpa lagi yak
Rhubarb Kacang Walnut
- 262 g rhubarb potongan yang beku diamkan disuhu ruangan hingga melunak, tiriskan
- 1/2 gelas kacang walnut yang sudah dicacah kasar
- 2 1/2 gelas terigu
- 1/2 gelas gula pasir
- 1 sdm BP baking powder – bakpulver
- sejumput garam
- 5 sdm mentega/magarin
- 3/4 gelas susu cair
- 1 sdt cuka makan
- 1 sdt esens vanila
- 1/2 gelas gula bubuk
- Uleni seluruh bahan, bentuk bulat, iris menjadi segitiga. Bisa dilihat di video yak
- Panggang pada oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu 425 F, selama 16 menit
- Kasih glazur