Happy Sunday!
It’s lazy Sunday for us. My oldest got a new game console, so he’s been busy playing Tetris, my youngest is dancing to whatever music his father is playing on, and here I am, another day, another episode of Scandal on Netflix ?.
I hope your weekend is as productive as ours ?
I made empanadas earlier and we had them after lunch. I filled them with Notella (vegan Nutella) and caramels as they were for desserts.
In Indonesia we have two kinds of empanadas, one is what we call pastel and the other one is more to stuffed bread and is called panada, either one is usually with savory filling. While pastel can be baked or fried, panada is mostly fried.
Normally empanadas are with cheese, meat and veggies, although one or two people would fill it with fruits, but since I’m not normal, I filled my empanadas with sweet fillings and served them topped with coconut ice cream and drizzled Notella ?

And oh, guess what?
Today is actually National Empanadas day, woo-hoo ??
Before I share the recipe for the empanadas, here is how I made a quick version of vegan Nutella.
- 3 bars of DF dark chocolate
- 1-2 heaping tbsp DF semisweet chocolate chips
- 3-4 heaping tbsp cashew butter
How To
- Place everything into a bowl
- Microwave in 30 seconds intervals, stir each time, until the consistency of soft Nutella

- 3/4 c DF milk
- 1/2 tbsp vegan margarine
- 1/2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp active dry yeast
- 1 1/2 c flour
- 1 tbsp each sugar, icing sugar and purple yam powder (purple yam powder is optional)
How To
- Heat milk in microwave for 40 seconds
- Stir in margarine to melt
- Stir in sugar, followed with yeast
- Let stand for 5 mins until bubbly

- In a separate bowl, mix flour, sugar, icing sugar, and purple yam powder. Make a well in center
- Pour in activated yeast and knead

- Cover with cling wrap plastic and let rest in warm area for half H
- Roll dough and cut into circles
- Fill the circle with Notella and/or Notella plus caramel slices
- Seam to seal with fork

- Let stand in warm area for 20 mins
- Preheat oven to 350 F bake empanadas for 20 mins
- Cool on rack a bit

Serve immediately (so good still warm with oozing filling) or serve topped with ice cream of your choice.

- Caramels are homemade, recipe posted the other day
- You can use empanadas maker (the red mold), either is fine (maker or fork)
Dessert Empanadas with Homemade Nutella
Vegan Nutella
- 3 bars of DF dark chocolate
- 1-2 heaping tbsp DF semisweet chocolate chips
- 3-4 heaping tbsp cashew butter
- 3/4 c DF milk
- 1/2 tbsp vegan margarine
- 1/2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp active dry yeast
- 1 1/2 c flour
- 1 tbsp each sugar icing sugar and purple yam powder (purple yam powder is optional)
- Place everything into a bowl
- Microwave in 30 seconds intervals, stir each time, until the consistency of soft Nutella
- Heat milk in microwave for 40 seconds
- Stir in margarine to melt
- Stir in sugar, followed with yeast
- Let stand for 5 mins until bubbly
- In a separate bowl, mix flour, sugar, icing sugar, and purple yam powder. Make a well in center
- Pour in activated yeast and knead
- Cover with cling wrap plastic and let rest in warm area for half H
- Roll dough and cut into circles
- Fill the circle with Notella and/or Notella plus caramel slices
- Seam to seal with fork
- Let stand in warm area for 20 mins
- Preheat oven to 350 F bake empanadas for 20 mins
- Cool on rack a bit
- Serve immediately (so good still warm with oozing filling) or serve topped with ice cream of your choice.

Hai teman!
Lain hari, lain resep ? Jangan bosan yak, soalnya emang ini Steemit buat ngeblog resep ?
Hari ini aku bikin empanadas, sejenis pastel dan panada. Tapiiiii, bukan daging ataupun sayuran isinya, melainkan cokelat dan karamel ? Iseeeng deh nih TKF, yak ?
Enak loh. Baik disantap begitu saja, apalagi disantap bersama es krim serta dikasih saus cokelat atasnya. Wuiiih sekilo deh naik ukuran badan ?
Yuk di tengok resepnya kalau mau buat juga
Isi Cokelat
3 keping cokelat yang dark
2 sdm cokelat chips
3 sdm selai kacang meds
Cara Membuat
Campurkan seluruh bahan dan lelehkan, bisa diatas kompor sih, tapi aku pakai microwave.
3/4 gelas susu cair hangat suam-suam kuku
1/2 sdm margarin
1/2 sdm gula pasir
1 sdt ragi butiran
1 1/2 gelas terigu
1 sdm gula pasir
1 sdm gula bubuk
1 sdm ubi ungu bubuk (Ga wajib yah)
Cara Membuat
Campurkan margarin kedalam susu hangat, hingga meleleh
Masukkan gula pasir serta ragi, diamkan 5 menit hingga berbuih
Dalam mangkuk yang lain, campur terigu, gula pasir dan gula bubuk, serta ubi ungu bubuk
Masukkan cairan ragi, adon hingga tercampur
Tutup dengan lap bersih (atau plastik seperti di foto Ini), diamkan di tempat hangat, 30 menit

Gilas adonan empanadas, cetak lingkaran
Isi lingkaran dengan cokelat atau cokelat plus karamel

Tutup lingkaran menjadi bulan sabit, tekan sisi dengan garpu. Diamkan di tempat hangat 20 menit

Panaskan oven 350 F, panggang empanadas 20 menit
Dinginkan di rak kue
Bisa disantap hangat ataupun disajikan dengan es krim ?