Ribs (beef)
1 c each water and ketchup
1/2 c vinegar
1 can tomato paste
3/4 c brown sugar (so I made it a tad too sweet. my brown sugar was rock hard so i just added whatever I could get after smashing it here and there and I added 10 cubes of golden brown sugar)
2 tbsp prepared mustard
1 tbsp salt (I didnt really use measurement actually)

Stir all to dissolve
Pour some into crockpot, place a couple of ribs, pour some more ontop of the ribs, place another layer of ribs, and pour the rest of mixture
Cook low for 8 h
BBQ Beef Ribs
- Ribs
- 1 c each water and ketchup
- 1/2 c vinegar
- 1 can tomato paste
- 3/4 c brown sugar so I made it a tad too sweet. my brown sugar was rock hard ? so i just added whatever I could get after smashing it here and there and i added 10 cubes of golden brown sugar
- 2 tbsp prepared mustard
- 1 tbsp salt I didnt really use measurement actually
- Stir all to dissolve
- Pour some into crockpot, place a couple of ribs, pour some more ontop of the ribs, place another layer of ribs, and pour the rest of mixture
- Cook low for 8 h

Iga Sapi Slowcooker
Hasilnya daging lepasan dari tulangnya. Enak tinggal sluuppprrruuut.
sesuai selera Iga sapi (biasanya saya beli yang belum di belah-belah, dan kalau saya belah sendiri sering ada 8 setidaknya)
1 c air
1 c saus tomat
1 kaleng kecil pasta tomat
1/2 c cuka makan
3/4 c gula merah (brown sugar)
1 sdm saus mustard
secukupnya garam
Campur semua bahan jadi satu
Lumurin iga dengan campuran bahan
Masak dalam slow cooker suhu rendah selama 8 jam