I am hugely pregnant……yet my husband’s boss asks him if I’d be so kind to bake her a cheesecake lol
Oh well…okay, here you go 😉

16 ounces Philadelphia® Cream Cheese, softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs
4 squares Baker’s® Premium White Baking Chocolate, chopped, divided, or 2/3 cup white chocolate chips, divided
1 ready−to−use chocolate flavor crumb crust (6 ounce or 9−inch) or make your own from Oreo!

Mix cream cheese, sugar and vanilla with electric mixer until well blended. Add eggs; mix until blended. Stir in 1/3 cup of the white chocolate. Pour into crust. Sprinkle with remaining white chocolate.
Bake at 350 degrees F for 35 minutes or until center is almost set. Cool.
Refrigerate 3 hours or overnight.
White Chocolate Chips Cheesecake
- 2 boxes of cream cheese room temperature, @250 g each
- 1/2 c sugar
- 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
- 2 eggs
- 2/3 cup white chocolate chips divided
- Chocolate cookies such as Oreo (without the cream), about 45 pieces (or ready to bake chocolate crust)
- 1/4 c melted butter optional, only if using ready to bake chocolate crust
- Turn cookies into crumbs, mix with butter, and press onto 8 inch spring form pan. Bake 5 mins on preheated 350 F. Set aside to cool.
- Mix cream cheese, sugar and vanilla with electric mixer until well blended.
- Beat in eggs, one at a time.
- Stir in 1/2 of the white chocolate chips. Pour into crust. Sprinkle with remaining white chocolate chips.
- Bake at 350 degrees F for 35 minutes or until center is almost set. Cool.
- Refrigerate 3 hours or overnight.

Haiyaaaah. Perut dah se endut dan seberat ini, malah kena todong untuk ngebuatin cheesecake sama bosnya suami di kantor. Yah mau gimana lagi hahahah Buat yang mudah aja lah 😀
2 kotak cream cheese (@ 250 g), suhu ruangan
1/2 cup gula pasir
1/2 sdt ekstrak vanila asli
2 butir telur
4 kotak Baker’s White Baking Chocolate atau bisa pakai 2/3 white chocolate chip (aku pake white chocolate chip)
dasar kue, rasa cokelat siap pakai (aku pake 20 biskuit cokelat, kuhancurkan, campur dengan 1 sdm mentega cair, aduk rata –> Christie’s Chocolate Waffer)
Cara Membuat
Tekan-tekan dasar kue pada loyang 9 inch
Bagi 2 white chocolate chip @ 1/3 cup, sisihkan
Kocok cream cheese, ekstrak vanila, dan gula hingga lembut. Masukkan telur satu persatu sambil terus dikocok
Masukkan 1/3 cup white chocolate chip, aduk rata, tuang pada dasar kue
Taburi atasnya dengan 1/3 white chocolate chip sisa
Panggang pada 350 F selama 35 menit hingga tengahnya agak mengeras (catatan dariku, cheesecake bagusnya biar ga retak, paling panas pake 325 F atau pake sistem water bath, jadi semisal ada resep yang 350 F, setidaknya 25 menit sudah matang, jadi hati-hati, karena kalau terlalu panas dan terlalu lama akan retak, ga cantik)
Dinginkan pada suhu ruangan, baru masukkan pada kulkas, dingikan selama 3 jam atau semalaman
Hias sesuai selera