Rendang is a famous spicy beef stew from Indonesia. You may find varieties of rendang in neighboring countries too though 🙂
It is especially awesome with warm rice and a dish that you will most likely find whenever it is Eid celebrations in Indonesia. It is soooo good, I kid you not 😀
Here is a recipe that is used in my household. This is my 1st time ever making it myself. Usually my mom if not my oldest sis who would prepare it at home. But now that am far away from home, I had to prepare myself hahaha

1 kg beef without fat, cut cubes to 4 x 4 cm
2 turmeric leaves, tie knots each
3 kafir lime leaves
2 lemongrass
2 cm of tamarind
1 1/4 lt of coconut milk from 2 coconuts
9 shallots, make thinly slices
2 tbs fresh galangal
3 cm fresh turmeric
2 cm fresh ginger
150 gram red hot chili (birdseye)
5 shallots
5 garlic
2 tsp of salt
Mix coconut milk with turmeric leaves, kafir lime leaves, lemongrass, the
slices of shallots, tamarind, and paste, all together. Bring to boil until oily comes out of the soup. Meanwhile, wash clean the beef cubes, drain, then add into the soup. Stir occasionally, and cook until beef tender and soup thickened and turn in color into rich brown. Eventually, all the soups will be gone as it will be thickened.
Do not forget to always stir well every now and then especially when the
soup is thickening and went dry in the end, leaving only the cooked
spicy beef.
Do watch out of the bubbling thickening hot soup when you are stirring the beef in the coconut milk.
- 1 kg beef without fat cut cubes to 4 x 4 cm
- 2 turmeric leaves tie knots each
- 3 kafir lime leaves
- 2 lemongrass
- 2 cm of tamarind
- 1 1/4 lt of coconut milk from 2 coconuts
- 9 shallots make thinly slices
Spice Paste
- 2 tbs fresh galangal
- 3 cm fresh turmeric
- 2 cm fresh ginger
- 150 gram red hot chili birdseye
- 5 shallots
- 5 garlic
- 2 tsp of salt
- Mix coconut milk with turmeric leaves, kafir lime leaves, lemongrass, the slices of shallots, tamarind, and paste, all together. Bring to boil until oily comes out of the soup. Meanwhile, wash clean the beef cubes, drain, then add into the soup. Stir occasionally, and cook until beef tender and soup thickened and turn in color into rich brown. Eventually, all the soups will be gone as it will be thickened.
soup is thickening and went dry in the end, leaving only the cooked
spicy beef. Do watch out of the bubbling thickening hot soup when you are stirring the beef in the coconut milk.

1 kg daging tanpa lemak potong 4 x 4 cm
2 lembar daun kunyit, simpulkan
3 lembar daun jeruk purut
2 batang serai
2 cm asam kandis/gelugur
1 1/2 lt santan dari 2 butir kelapa
9 siung bawang merah, iris halus
Bumbu, haluskan:
2 sdm lengkuas parut
3 cm kunyit
2 cm jahe
150 gr cabai merah
5 siung bawang merah
5 siung bawang putih
2 sdt garam
Cara Membuat:
Campur santan, daun kunyit, daun jeruk, serai, irisan bawang merah, asam dan semua bumbu halus. Didihkan hingga kental dan berminyak.
Masukkan daging, masak hingga lunak dan kuah kering berwarna kecoklatan.