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Spicy Grilled Chicken


  • 4 chicken breasts no skins (skinless, boneless)


Rub 1

  • Mix olive oil, ground black pepper, chili flakes, and Hungarian Vegeta (seasoning powder consists of tiny dried carrots, herbs, salt, etc. Can be purchased in big supermarket at European section, or you can purchase it in almost any European grocery stores). Rub on chicken breast; grill until well done.

Rub 2

  • Mix olive oil, ground black pepper, chili flakes, Hungarian Vegeta, and minced garlic (store bought so it has juices as well; really convenient and great!) Rub on chicken breast; grill until well done.

Rub 3

  • Mix olive oil, ground black pepper, chili flakes, Hungarian Vegeta, and Búfalo chilpotle sauce (yes you read correctly. Not sure why it's spelled chilpotle; however, this is a hot Mexican sauce; can be purchased in supermarket as well) Rub on chicken breast; grill until well done.

Rub 4

  • Mix olive oil, ground black pepper, chili flakes, Hungarian Vegeta, hot pepper sauce by Grace (very hot authentic Jamaican sauce; also can be purchased in supermarket) Rub on chicken breast; grill until well done.
  • Measurement should be adjusted to your own liking.
  • Grill and enjoy!