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Sayur Asem


  • 1/4 of a large cabbage
  • 1 bunch of Chinese long beans
  • Half tin of sweet corn kernels
  • Tofu pow optional
  • 500-700 g beef cubes
  • 1 large shallots 2-3 if you are in Indonesia our shallots are hardly giant there ? Spanish shallots can get way larger here, in Canada
  • 1 bird eye chili
  • 2 1/2 candlenut
  • 2-3 garlic
  • Coffee spoon tip of hard shrimp paste terasi
  • A thumb of tamarind more for stronger sour flavor - watch the vlog
  • Mushroom granules
  • Sugar salt, seasoning to taste
  • Cooked warm rice for serving super recommended but also optional


  • Soak a large thumb of tamarind in hot water, set aside
  • Rinse sliced cabbage and long beans
  • In a pot, boil beef cubes in plenty water, skim away the scum, cook until tender
  • Meanwhile, using food processor or mortar and pestle, make paste of shallots, chili, candlenut, garlic, and shrimp paste
  • Drop veggies into pot, cook until tender
  • Season with spice paste, mushroom granules, sugar, salt and seasoning such as MSG or Royco
  • Pour tamarind juice, adjust flavor
  • Serve with rice
